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MERN stack project to search up books. Users can sign up and add books their list to catalog. Users can sort by a generic list or a liked list to signify which books they have already liked. In future updates more features will be added.

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COVID-19 Neighboring State Analysis

Plotly Dash interface to visualize correlation of COVID-19 cases compared between neighboring states in order to find trends to help predict the spread of COVID-19. Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Annually, and total windows analyzed. Cytoscape used to create a network graph over time of nodes(states) and edges(correlation). This project was for Choose Ohio First and was presented on April 10th 2022.

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E-Commerce Site

Shopping website that allows the user to access and view products from a database using PHP combined with MySQL.Users also will be able to create an account/log-in, sort items by search or by filters, and add items to a cart. The user may delete items in their cart or their own account.

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Idle Clicker Game

This idle game is inspired by Cookie Clicker and utlizes different elements of frontend development including javascript, HTML, and CSS.

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Word Unscrambler

Web application that allows a word to be unscrambled/view what others words can be made from that word. This algorithm is written in Python and uses Flask to run as a website. The runtime of the algorithm is also analyzed and explained.

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Rubiks Cube Functions

This pdf was my math education research project and involves teaching a Rubik's Cube to a school grade math class. This project was for Choose Ohio First and was presented on April 7th 2019.

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Blackjack Probability

This pdf was my statstics research project and involves the probability of Blackjack hands. This project was for Choose Ohio First and was presented virtually on April 25th 2021.